Monday, November 01, 2004
cellar door
Just wrote a longish post in here but it all got deleted, to my dismay.
The gist of it was:
-still depressed. Existential crisis. Had to sedate myself in order to sleep.
-went to gyme. Pain is a good distraction.
-it is Halloween. Watched Donnie Darko with a sleepy head in my lap. Was kind of like watching a movie alone. And that's not a good movie to watch when you feel alone. The comfort of "cellar door" does little to aleviate the sad, sad thought that we all die alone.
-I welcome your comments, including "chut up," "stop whining," and "you suck," as contributions on the site.
Wish I had some SSRIs.
Uncertainty is the devil's playground.
Pip pip and cheerio.
-Lady Nome of the Night