Thursday, December 16, 2004

tryouts -- January 11?

I have insane amounts of stuff to do since I have an exam this evening and I'm going to the gyme with Cait (yay!) at 4:30, which I unfortunately can scarcely justify if I haven't gotten enough studying done by then!

I sent an email to the cheerleading people asking about tryouts, and got an answer back from the coach with the requirements, which are (somewhat scarily) as follows:

1) Run 2.2 km in under 12 minutes.
2) 30 shoulder presses with 20 lb. weights in a minute (this one is the scariest)
3) Vertical jump of at least 22 inches.
4) 25 tricep push-ups in a minute (this I can do for sure)
5) 20 tricep dips in a minute (I'm pretty sure this means elbows in, which means serious pain)
6) 50 sit-ups in a minute (I'm at 48 right now)

The good news is that I think they'll probably let me try out. The bad news is that I fear I may die in the process. And I may be the only one trying out. She made it sound like they were just going to accomodate me because I was interested. Oh fuck. What am I getting myself into? This is the craziest thing I've done in a long time.

But at least I want to do it. No one is forcing me, no one has pressured me, and in fact most people have actively discouraged me or have been utterly indifferent to the whole idea. I almost feel like I should just do it to prove everyone wrong.

I know that in the end I have to do it for myself, on my own terms, and for my own reasons.

The coach wants me to go to their practice on January 11. That's less than a month away. I'm a bit freaked out, but I also have a bit of G.I. Jane silliness going on in my head. I figure that if it's possible, I should probably go and do it.

On a totally unrelated topic, does anyone know anything about perms? Someone who shall remain nameless is perming herself, and I'd like to make sure that it won't be an unmitigated disaster.

She says she's doing it to look like me, because I'm her idol.

This is the funniest thing I've heard in a while. I guess I was hoping to be an intellectual model rather than a hair model. I mean, it's just hair.

Cheers to Dag for the credit rectification, and regards to Gage for her poor injured hand.

Also, brushing one's hair is overrated. I never brush mine, which is why my friend wants to perm her hair so she'll look like me! Ha ha! I know it's a joke but it remains notable.

Now back to studying. The topic of this exam: The Holocaust. I thought the subject wasn't getting to me but last night I was pretty sure I was getting meningitis -- headache and stomache-ache and migraine all at once, and this was after reading 85 pages of a report on the gas chambers at Auschwitz. So maybe I'm getting screwed up subconsciously. Nonetheless, it's an important subject and I'm willing to accept a little pain so I can understand it more.

Wish me luck!


by Nome at 1:25 PM
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    I Will Not Be Silenced


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