Saturday, December 18, 2004
I have a strategy...
Which is to try to switch my class to another section. The other class is at 8:00 am Tuesdays and Thursdays (yikes!) which is a time slot I vowed to never again in my university career fill with classes, but at least there is another section so it might be an option to switch.
It may mean some catch-up, since different profs cover different material and I don't even know yet if this other prof will let me in or if I'm even allowed to switch sections halfway through the year, but I figure it's worth a try if they do let me on the team.
I sometimes think I'm a little bit insane. I can't remember the last time I felt so strongly that I had to do something to prove to everyone that I could do it. While I have many other reasons for trying out (namely that I actually want to be on the team) there is definitely a major element of wanting to show everyone who laughed at me and didn't believe in me that I'm capable of much more than they thought.
I realise, by the way, that this topic is probably tedious to everyone by now. My own mother is sick to death of hearing about it. But the alternative is hearing about how holly and jolly my Christmas shopping went today, so count yourselves lucky that you're merely suffering through a few ridiculous tales of cheerleading trial and error.
Sadly, I have no tales of chance meetings with charming strangers (try Dag's blog for that sort of entertainment), of excessive drug or alcohol use resulting in silly behaviour, or anything else of real interest to report.
I will, however, recommend two movies I've seen recently: Kinsey, about a biology professor who revolutionized sex education in the 1920s-1950s, starring Liam Neeson, and House of Flying Daggers, a really beautiful martial arts movie starring the omnipresent (and lovely) Zhang Ziyi. Both are excellent films for very different reasons. Everyone should see Kinsey, since it's a really funny and in some ways really important movie about sexuality. And people who can deal with poorly translated Mandarin subtitles should see House of Flying Daggers.
And that, my friends, is all for now.
b.t.w: Dag: congrats on the redhead. There's definite potential there.
Cait: Want to come to the FCCC gyme with me on Sunday morning?