Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Ron and Adam both posted their answers to my questions!

Go check them out.

AND, it is definitely NOT too late to play my most excellent questions game. In fact, if you're new to the site, that would be an excellent way to find out more about this strange Nome creature without reading my tome-like archives. Get to my profile by clicking About the Nome on my sidebar, and then send me an email.

Fire away!


by Nome at 6:22 PM
3 mews

    Welcome. This is the humble chronicle of my life & my thoughts on the world as I see it. If you know me in real life and want to keep my trust, PLEASE ASK BEFORE READING! I'm not accountable to you or to anyone else for what I say in these pages. Comments are much appreciated, but but insults and personal attacks will not be tolerated. Please respect privacy and anonymity - nicknames or pseudonyms only. This is my space to be an adult - kids should go elsewhere. Thanks, and enjoy.

    About The Nome
    Nome is where the heart is
    I Will Not Be Silenced


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