Sunday, January 23, 2005

My hair is too long

My hair is too long
Originally uploaded by Nomeroo.
The sole purpose of this shot is to demonstrate a) that I am capable of setting up a camera properly, and b) that my hair is too long.

I've probably also been influenced by the many self-portrait addicts I associate with (you know who you are).

Oh, and I'm probably also self-absorbed. What else is new?

This is my room, though it doesn't show you much. To my right (your left), outside and across the walkway is the lit window of a creepy guy in the building across from me. I always have to make sure my blinds are closed at opportune moments because he WATCHES me. He's always leaning out his window and smoking and staring. Why he doesn't just go out on his balcony has become something of an obvious question for me. It's all a bit icky, really, but I've learned to live with it over the last 15 years or so. He's seen me grow up, whether I like it or not. That's both disgusting and interesting at the same time.

Yay for cooperative housing and the creeps it sometimes attracts.


by Nome at 5:06 PM
2 mews

    Welcome. This is the humble chronicle of my life & my thoughts on the world as I see it. If you know me in real life and want to keep my trust, PLEASE ASK BEFORE READING! I'm not accountable to you or to anyone else for what I say in these pages. Comments are much appreciated, but but insults and personal attacks will not be tolerated. Please respect privacy and anonymity - nicknames or pseudonyms only. This is my space to be an adult - kids should go elsewhere. Thanks, and enjoy.

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    Nome is where the heart is
    I Will Not Be Silenced


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